How do companies make change happen at speed?

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Successful Transformation Requires Change at Speed

Disruption is a reality of today’s business landscape, and companies must adapt quickly to stay competitive. The pace of change is driven by a variety of factors, including technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and increased competition. To make change happen at speed and ensure transformation is robust and successful, companies can adopt a number of strategies used

Drivers of the pace of change

A quick (partial) list of the drivers of pace of change facing firms:

Technological advancements

The rapid development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and blockchain is driving change across industries. Companies that are able to incorporate these technologies into their operations and products will have a competitive advantage.

Shifting consumer preferences

Consumers are becoming more environmentally and socially conscious, and are increasingly looking for products and services that align with their values. Companies that are able to adapt to these shifting preferences will be better positioned to succeed in the marketplace.

Increased competition & Rise of new entrants

With the rise of new competitors and the increasing globalization of markets, companies are under more pressure to innovate and differentiate themselves. Those that are able to stay ahead of the curve will have a better chance of staying competitive.

Making change happen at speed

Set up a Dedicated Transformation PMO

A Transformation PMO can serve as the nerve center of all change efforts, and drive agility and pace of change while ensuring robustness of strategic implementation.

Prioritize initiatives

By prioritizing initiatives, companies can focus their resources and efforts on the most important changes that need to be made. This can help to speed up the process of change, as well as increase the chances of success.

Embrace a culture of experimentation

Companies that are able to create a culture of experimentation are better able to quickly test and implement new ideas. This can help to speed up the process of change, as it allows for a more agile approach to innovation.

Leverage data and analytics

By using data and analytics, companies can make more informed decisions about how to drive change. This can help to speed up the process of identifying and addressing areas of the business that need to be transformed.

Create a sense of urgency

Companies that are able to create a sense of urgency around change are more likely to be successful in driving it. This can be achieved through effective communication and leadership, as well as by setting clear goals and timelines.

Empower employees

By empowering employees, companies can tap into their collective knowledge and expertise to drive change. This can be achieved through effective communication, collaboration, and by providing employees with the necessary training and resources to support the change.

Outsource non-core functions

By outsourcing non-core functions, companies can free up resources and focus on their core competencies. This can help to speed up the process of change, as well as increase the chances of success.

Implement a flexible organizational structure: By implementing a flexible organizational structure, companies can respond quickly to changes in the market. This can help to speed up the process of change, as well as increase the chances of success.

Develop partnerships and collaborations

By developing partnerships and collaborations with other companies, companies can gain access to new technologies, expertise, and resources. This can help to speed up the process of change, as well as increase the chances of success.

Involve frontline employees

Companies that involve frontline employees in the transformation process are more likely to be successful. This can be achieved through effective communication and collaboration, as well as by providing employees with the necessary training and resources to support the change.

Continuously adapt and improve

By continuously adapting and improving, companies can ensure that the transformation is robust and sustainable. This can be achieved through ongoing monitoring and analysis, as well as by fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

To make change happen at speed and ensure transformation is robust and successful, companies must embracing & adapting these set of measures.



REV Partners. Business Transformation Experts. Digital Transformation Experts. We are a Management Consulting & Advisory firm. We help Fortune 500 & Private Equity clients address the most pressing issues related to TransformationStrategy, Operations, Organization and Digital. We can also provide experienced experts as Interim “Chief Transformation Officer” or equivalent, to accelerate, lead and execute ambitious Business Transformation or Digital Transformation programs. If you or your organization need support, please contact us, follow us on Twitter, or Email us at 

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